


Proposal #1322 » 302-dynamic-time-sum.diff.patch

Olivier Houdas, 2014/05/22 15:25


app/views/work_time/_user_day_table.html.erb Tue Mar 04 12:41:29 2014 +0900 → app/views/work_time/_user_day_table.html.erb Mon May 05 13:11:08 2014 +0200
<%= text_field_tag("new_time_entry["+issue_id.to_s+"][0][hours]", "", :size=>5) %>
<%= text_field_tag("new_time_entry["+issue_id.to_s+"][0][hours]", "", :size=>5, :onchange => "sumDayTimes()") %>
<% if @is_registerd_backlog then %>
<% if issue_pack[:cnt_childrens] != 0 || issue.closed? then %>
<%= issue[:remaining_hours] %>
<% else %>
<%= text_field_tag("new_time_entry["+issue_id.to_s+"][0][remaining_hours]", issue[:remaining_hours], :size=>5) %>
<%= text_field_tag("new_time_entry["+issue_id.to_s+"][0][remaining_hours]", issue[:remaining_hours], :size=>5, :onchange => "sumDayTimes()") %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= text_field_tag("time_entry["+hour_id.to_s+"][hours]", hour.hours, :size=>5) %>
<%= text_field_tag("time_entry["+hour_id.to_s+"][hours]", hour.hours, :size=>5, :onchange => "sumDayTimes()") %>
<% if @is_registerd_backlog then %>
<% if issue_pack[:cnt_childrens] != 0 || hour.issue.closed? then %>
<%= hour.issue[:remaining_hours] %>
<% else %>
<%= text_field_tag("time_entry["+hour_id.to_s+"][remaining_hours]", hour.issue[:remaining_hours], :size=>5) %>
<%= text_field_tag("time_entry["+hour_id.to_s+"][remaining_hours]", hour.issue[:remaining_hours], :size=>5, :onchange => "sumDayTimes()") %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<tr align="center" id="time_input_table_bottom" style="background:#ddd;">
<td><%=sprintf("%1.1f", @day_pack[:total])%></td>
<td><span id='currentTotal' title='<%=l(:wt_saved_value)%> <%=sprintf("%1.1f", @day_pack[:total])%>'><%=sprintf("%1.1f", @day_pack[:total])%></span></td>
<% if @is_registerd_backlog then %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
app/views/work_time/ajax_insert_daily.html.erb Tue Mar 04 12:41:29 2014 +0900 → app/views/work_time/ajax_insert_daily.html.erb Mon May 05 13:11:08 2014 +0200
<%= text_field_tag("new_time_entry["+@add_issue_id+"]["+@add_count+"][hours]", "", :size=>5) %>
<%= text_field_tag("new_time_entry["+@add_issue_id+"]["+@add_count+"][hours]", "", :size=>5, :onchange => "sumDayTimes()") %>
<% if @is_registerd_backlog then %>
<% if @add_issue_children_cnt != 0 || @add_issue.closed? then %>
<%= @add_issue.remaining_hours %>
<% else %>
<%= text_field_tag("new_time_entry["+@add_issue_id+"]["+@add_count+"][remaining_hours]", @add_issue.remaining_hours, :size=>5) %>
<%= text_field_tag("new_time_entry["+@add_issue_id+"]["+@add_count+"][remaining_hours]", @add_issue.remaining_hours, :size=>5, :onchange => "sumDayTimes()") %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
assets/javascripts/work_time.js Tue Mar 04 12:41:29 2014 +0900 → assets/javascripts/work_time.js Mon May 05 13:11:08 2014 +0200
v = obj.options[index].value;
obj.options[index].value = 'M'+v;
//------------- for user_day_table.html.erb
function sumDayTimes() {
var total=0;
var dayInputs;
// List all Input elemnets of the page
dayInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i=0; i<dayInputs.length; i++) {
// Consider only those with an id containing the strings 'time_entry' and 'hours'
if ((dayInputs[i].id.indexOf("time_entry") >= 0) && (dayInputs[i].id.indexOf("hours") >= 0)) {
if (dayInputs[i].value && !isNaN(parseFloat(dayInputs[i].value))) {
// add the number to the total if it is a valid number
total = total + parseFloat(dayInputs[i].value);
// Set the total value to the new number, changing the style to indicate
// it is not saved, and adding the saved value as a flyover indication
var originalValue;
document.getElementById("currentTotal").innerHTML = total;
document.getElementById("currentTotal").style = 'color:#FF0000;';
return true;
config/locales/en.yml Tue Mar 04 12:41:29 2014 +0900 → config/locales/en.yml Mon May 05 13:11:08 2014 +0200
wt_opt_disp_ticket_with_other_member: "[display other members ticket]"
wt_opt_disp_ticket_mine_only: "[display my ticket only]"
wt_bulkupdate_relations: "bulkupdate to parent"
permission_edit_work_time_total: "Edit work time totals"
permission_view_work_time_tab: "View Work time tab"
permission_view_work_time_other_member: "View other members' work time"
permission_edit_work_time_other_member: "Edit other members' work time "
wt_saved_value: "Saved timed: "
config/locales/fr.yml Tue Mar 04 12:41:29 2014 +0900 → config/locales/fr.yml Mon May 05 13:11:08 2014 +0200
work_time: "Temps de travail"
wt_update: "Mise à jour"
wt_month_names: "Jan,Fev,Mar,Avr,Mai,Juin,Juil,Aout,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec"
wt_update: "Mettre à jour"
wt_month_names: "Jan,Fév,Mar,Avr,Mai,Juin,Juil,Août,Sep,Oct,Nov,Déc"
wt_week_day_names: "Dim,Lun,Mar,Mer,Jeu,Ven,Sam"
wt_monthly_report: "Rapport mensuel"
wt_daily_report: "Rapport journalier"
wt_each_member_report: "Rapport utilisateur"
wt_raw_total: "Rapport mensuel(not relayed)"
wt_relay_total: "Rapport mensuel (relayed)"
wt_raw_total: "Rapport mensuel(non relayé)"
wt_relay_total: "Rapport mensuel (relayé)"
wt_edit_relay: "Ticket Relay Editor"
wt_ticket: "Demande"
wt_add_ticket: "Ajouter une demande"
wt_no_permission: "Vous n'avez pas les droits"
wt_loop_relay: "Ticket relation looped"
wt_set_holiday: "Placer cette date en vacances"
wt_del_holiday: "Retirer cette date de vacances"
wt_loop_relay: "Boucle infinie sur une demande"
wt_set_holiday: "Placer cette date en jour férié"
wt_del_holiday: "Retirer cette date des jours fériés"
wt_apply_checked: "Appliquer pour toutes les cases cochées"
wt_select_project: "Restreint un projet"
wt_select_project: "Restreindre à un projet"
wt_select_user: "Choisir un utilisateur"
wt_edit_memo: "Editer la note"
wt_edit_memo: "Éditer la note"
wt_pre_memo: "Note précédente"
wt_next_memo: "Note suivante"
wt_data_list: "Liste brute"
wt_input_ticket_numbers: "ou entrez le numéro de la demande"
wt_delete_closed_tickets: "Supprimer les demandes fermées"
wt_data_download: "les données téléchargent"
wt_opt_disp_ticket_with_closed: "[display closed ticket]"
wt_opt_disp_ticket_opened_only: "[display opened ticket only]"
wt_opt_disp_ticket_with_other_member: "[display other members ticket]"
wt_opt_disp_ticket_mine_only: "[display my ticket only]"
wt_bulkupdate_relations: "bulkupdate to parent"
wt_data_download: "Téléchargement des données"
wt_opt_disp_ticket_with_closed: "[afficher les demandes fermés]"
wt_opt_disp_ticket_opened_only: "[n'afficher que les demandes ouvertes]"
wt_opt_disp_ticket_with_other_member: "[afficher les demandes des autres membres]"
wt_opt_disp_ticket_mine_only: "[n'afficher que mes demandes]"
wt_bulkupdate_relations: "mise à jour en bloc du parent"
permission_edit_work_time_total: "Modifier les totaux de temps de travail"
permission_view_work_time_tab: "Afficher l'onglet Temps de travail"
permission_view_work_time_other_member: "Afficher les temps des autres membres"
permission_edit_work_time_other_member: "Modifier les temps des autres membres"
wt_saved_value: "Temps sauvegardé : "