Feature #1024
closedtemplates for all (redmine core and custom fields) issue fields
It would be great if it is possible to define every fields of an issue in a tracker, so that if i optionally set this fields they get filled into issue when i select the template.
If values are not allowed (e.g status or category or priority) an error message is ok.
Updated by Andrew Cranson over 11 years ago
I agree this would be a great feature (ability to pre-set a "Category" for us is enough). Do you think this could be implemented?
Thanks for a great plugin!
Updated by Akiko Takano over 8 years ago
- Target version changed from ver0.1.3 to Future Release
Updated by Ennder THE LAST about 6 years ago
Templating the Custom Fields could be a great feature.
Updated by Akiko Takano almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from 新規(New) to 終了(Closed)
Hi, I've released v1.0.0 to support custom fields and builtin-fields.
Since this is an experimental feature, please be careful if you hope to try it.
Please see https://github.com/akiko-pusu/redmine_issue_templates/releases/tag/1.0.0
I'm looking forward to your feedback.