Defect #1090
closedDraft templates are non listed
If I create an issue template without enable checked, which means it is a draft, then I cannot fine in the list of issue templates.
I don't know how to recover the draft issue template for editing or deleting.
Updated by Akiko Takano over 12 years ago
You can find template list (index) page not only enable templates but also not enabled (draft) templates.
Please look "Enable" column on template list.
Enable templates have check marks and Disabled templates, work as draft, have no check marks.
How about?
Updated by giovanni d over 12 years ago
Actually, I cannot see the draft (not enabled) templates in the template list (index) page.
On my installation, the template list shows only the enabled templates.
I don't know why.
What should I check?
Updated by Akiko Takano over 12 years ago
- Status changed from 新規(New) to 担当(Assigned)
- Assignee set to Akiko Takano
- Priority changed from 通常(Normal) to 急いで(Urgent)
- Target version set to ver0.0.4
Thank you for your additional information.
I think you are using default (head) branch of this template.
And now I find a problem on trunk source code. Thansk again.
For quick workaround, please edit redmine_issue_templates/app/controllers/issue_templates_controller.rb as following:
templ = IssueTemplate.find(:all, :conditions => ['project_id = ? AND tracker_id = ? AND enabled = ?',,, true],:order => 'position')
templ = IssueTemplate.find(:all, :conditions => ['project_id = ? AND tracker_id = ?',,],:order => 'position')
You have to restart your redmine if redmine running production mode.
Sorry for your time.
giovanni d は書きました:
Actually, I cannot see the draft (not enabled) templates in the template list (index) page.
On my installation, the template list shows only the enabled templates.
I don't know why.
What should I check?
Updated by giovanni d over 12 years ago
The workaround works!
Thank you very much.
Updated by Akiko Takano over 12 years ago
- Status changed from 担当(Assigned) to 終了(Closed)
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
I've fixed in commit:e0d9627a79e6.
Thanks for your feedback!
Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago
- Status changed from 終了(Closed) to フィードバック(Reopend)
- % Done changed from 100 to 80
Maybe I did some invalid operation and default branch is back to unfixed version.
So I have to rollforward to my fix.
Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago
- Target version changed from ver0.0.4 to ver0.0.3 (Compatible Redmine2.0)
0.0.3-stable といった形で準備する。
Updated by Akiko Takano almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from フィードバック(Reopend) to 終了(Closed)
- % Done changed from 80 to 100