Question #1358
closedIt shows error when I use "fixed_version_id" ?
I want to select issues by version.
But it looks doesn't work when i add the "fixed_version_id" filter in the command.
Here is the error,thanks for help!
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa about 10 years ago
- Status changed from 新規(New) to フィードバック(Reopend)
- Assignee set to sam xu
Hi sam
Thank you for interested in my plugin.
and I'm sorry for inconvenient.
I'm not sure the reason,
issue's filter dose not have 'fixed_version_id',
but custom query has 'fixed_version_id'.
So it will be available in that you create a custom query and use it, maybe.
{{ref_issues(-p=heos-1,-i=123,-f:fixed_version_id=551)}} 123 is custum query ID.
Updated by Robert Roth almost 10 years ago
Tomohisa Kusukawa は書きました:
Hi sam
Thank you for interested in my plugin.
and I'm sorry for inconvenient.
I'm also interested in the plugin, we're using it a lot as a replacement for Trac TicketQueries, and it works fine, thanks for creating it.
I'm not sure the reason,
issue's filter dose not have 'fixed_version_id',
but custom query has 'fixed_version_id'.
The reason seems to me that in redmine app/models/issue_query.rb:initialize_available_filters adds both category_id (see issue #1375) and fixed_version_id as type:list_optional, and not as :text or :date* like the other filters which become available as filters using the macro for filtering.
I have locally added "@query.available_filters["fixed_version_id"] = { :type => :text};" to plugins/redmine_wiki_lists/lib/ref_issues/parser.rb after the other available_filters (description and subjectdescription) are defined, and I can now filter by fixed_version_id (although it'd be great to have this officially released). Doing the same for category_id too might fix #1375.
Updated by Matthias Reinhardt almost 10 years ago
Great! Adding category_id solves our problem.
So +1 for including the fix in the plugin.
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa almost 10 years ago
- Has duplicate Defect #1375: category_id not available as filter added
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from フィードバック(Reopend) to 解決(Resolved)
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
更新履歴 commit:18753d703e7e で適用されました。
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from 解決(Resolved) to 終了(Closed)
- Assignee changed from sam xu to Tomohisa Kusukawa
- Target version set to 0.0.5
Thank you very much, Robert and Matthias!
I committed your advice in commit:18753d703e7e .
Updated by Matthias Reinhardt almost 10 years ago
Can you please release the version 0.0.5 with this fix on bitbucket?
Maybe you also can do before