Defect #1391
With Redmine 2.6.5 and Redmine Wiki Lists plugin (0.0.5), the next error occurs when executing the macro ref_issues with the option -c:
Error executing the ref_issues macro (
parameter error: unknown option:-c
-s[=WORD[|WORD...]] : search WORDs in subject
-d[=WORD[|WORD...]] : search WORDs in description
-w[=WORD[|WORD...]] : search WORDs in subject and/or description
-i=CustomQueryID : specify custom query by id
-q=CustomQueryName : specify custom query by name
-p[=identifier] : restrict project
-f:FILTER[=WORD[|WORD...]] : additional filter
-l[=attribute] : display linked text
[columns] : {id, project, tracker, parent, status,
priority, subject, author, assigned_to, updated_on,
category, fixed_version, start_date, due_date, estimated_hours,
done_ratio, created_on, closed_on, relations, description,
cf_* }
The macro call is
{{ref_issues(-q=CompromisosPendientesResto, -c)}}