Feature #1410
closedsearch the list of templates
Hello good day
I have the following problem, I have a list of templates with many records and I find cumbersome when selecting someone was thinking of creating a local search engine to the list of elements of the bandstand but present a problem I have not been able to obtain the values options selection list to compare with the text entered by the user in text field x
This feature seems very useful and would like your help to develop and thus provide it to the community.
Updated by Dariel Rodriguez over 8 years ago
make the following modifications to the code to create a search engine and so I worked here I'll leave
create a field to search
<Input type = "text" id = "tags" name = "search" style = "width: 200px;" > <br>
then modify the java script function within set_pulldow after this line of code
"$ ( '# Issue_template') html (html)."
availableTags var = [];
$ ( '# Issue_template option'). each (function (i) {
availableTags.push ($ (this) .text ());
$ ("#tags") .autocomplete ({
source: availableTags,
close: function (event, ui) {
load_template (load_url, token, confirm_msg, should_replaced);
load_template modify the function at the beginning of the function
$ ( '# Issue_template option'). Each (function (i) {
if ($ (this) .text () == $ ("#tags") .val ()) {
$ ( "# Issue_template") prop ("selectedIndex" i.);
$ ("#tags") .val ( '');
Updated by Akiko Takano over 8 years ago
- Status changed from 新規(New) to 担当(Assigned)
Hi, Dariel.
Thank you so much for using my tiny plugin and really appreciated that you suggested to the new feature.
Also I’m deeply sorry for delayed reply.
Now I’m going to move my repository from Bitbucket to Github, with git protocol.
You can access new repository from here:
So you can folk to modify or make pull request.
Also I’m going to try above patch, please wait for a while.
Updated by Dariel Rodriguez over 8 years ago
This is the branch with the search field got nothing else to English translation
Updated by Akiko Takano over 8 years ago
Hi, Dariel
Thank you so much for your suggestion and pull request!
I've confirmed it.
Now I'm refactoring this repository and planning to add the feature to filter template, of course, this is impressed with your request.
If you have a time to review, please check this Pull Request.
https://github.com/akiko-pusu/redmine_issue_templates/pull/17 (Pull Request)
https://github.com/akiko-pusu/redmine_issue_templates/tree/feature/add-filter-template-dialog (Branch)
I hope this will meet your request.
Dariel Rodriguez さんは書きました:
This is the branch with the search field got nothing else to English translation
Updated by Dariel Rodriguez over 8 years ago
wonderful but I found a bug to fix erasing of the _list_templates class inherit_templates for each and it worked beautifully
thank you very much
Updated by Akiko Takano over 8 years ago
Daniel, thanks for your trying.
I’ve fixed that inherited templates are not included in popup. (Applied development branch)
Updated by Akiko Takano over 8 years ago
- Status changed from 担当(Assigned) to 終了(Closed)
- % Done changed from 0 to 100