Question #1436
closedHow to specify current project but not to specify id or name.
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For ref_issues macro, it's need to specify a project_id to display tickets only belong to the project as follows.
{{ref_issues(-f:project_id = 11, -f:status_id = 1, -c)}}
If the wiki page is copied or moved to the other project, I must modify the macro parameter.
So, is there some way to specify the current (wiki page's) project ?
For example like this:
{{ref_issues(-f:project_id = ., -f:status_id = 1)}}
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa over 8 years ago
- Assignee set to Toru Takahashi
Using the old option can be written as follows:
{{ref_issues(-p, -f:status_id = 1)}}
Updated by Toru Takahashi over 8 years ago
This is just the answer I wanted, thank you.
This issue can be closed.
(I can not change the status or Assignee of this issue.)
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa over 8 years ago
- Status changed from 新規(New) to 終了(Closed)