


Defect #818


Setting "Review issue blocks them" doesn't work on all projects

Josh Davidson さんが12年以上前に追加. 12年以上前に更新.





I have a project using Mercurial where the Code Review plugin setting for updating the task relation for code review issues doesn't work. After changing the relation type from "related" to "blocks" new code reviews still continue to use the "related" relation. I tried deleting all existing code reviews, both opened and closed, but this had no affect. Oddly, the setting does work correctly for other Mercurial based projects.


settings.png (20.5 KB) settings.png Code Review Settings Josh Davidson, 2011/08/25 12:21
related.png (39.4 KB) related.png Review created after enabling "block" relation Josh Davidson, 2011/08/25 12:21

Haru Iida さんが12年以上前に更新

  • プロジェクトr-labs から Code Review に変更
  • ステータス新規(New) から 担当(Assigned) に変更
  • 担当者Haru Iida にセット

Haru Iida さんが12年以上前に更新

  • 対象バージョン0.4.4 にセット

Josh Davidson さんが12年以上前に更新

Problem persists in 0.4.3. Previously, I had been running 0.4.1.

Haru Iida さんが12年以上前に更新

I can't reproduct the problem.

Do you use any other plugins?

Josh Davidson さんが12年以上前に更新

Full listing of installed plugins below. I checked the logs and didn't see any errors. Let me know if there are any forensics I can gather.

  1. ezFAQ plugin This is a FAQ management plugin for Redmine http://ezwork.techcon.thtf.com.cn/projects/ezwork Zou Chaoqun 0.3.5
  2. Redmine Attach Screenshot plugin Attach screenshots from clipboard directly to a Redmine issue Konstantin Zaitsev, Sergei Vasiliev, Alexandr Poplavsky, Jens Alfke 0.1.0
  3. Redmine Auto Assigned User plugin If an user forget to assign the issue, this plugin will auto-assign to the project manager. http://github.com/GMLudo/redmine_auto_assigned_user Ludovic Gasc 0.0.1
  4. Redmine Code Review plugin This is a Code Review plugin for Redmine http://www.r-labs.org/projects/show/codereview Haruyuki Iida 0.4.3
  5. Redmine Hudson plugin This is a Hudson plugin for Redmine http://www.r-labs.org/repositories/show/hudson Toshiyuki Ando r-labs 1.0.7
  6. Redmine Light Box plugin Lightbox for attachments https://github.com/zipme/redmine_lightbox G.K. 0.0.1
    Redmine Local Avatars plugin This plugin lets users upload avatars directly into Redmine Andrew Chaika and Luca Pireddu 0.1.1
  7. Mylyn Connector plugin This plugin provides a webservice API for Eclipse Mylyn (RESTful) Sven Krzyzak 2.7.1.stable
  8. Redmine Theme Changer plugin Lets each user select a theme for Redmine http://www.r-labs.org/projects/themechanger Haruyuki Iida 0.0.3
  9. Redmine Wiki Extensions plugin This is a Wiki Extensions plugin for Redmine http://www.r-labs.org/projects/r-labs/wiki/Wiki_Extensions_en Haruyuki Iida 0.3.3

Haru Iida さんが12年以上前に更新

  • 対象バージョン0.4.4 から いつかやる(Unplanned) に変更

I've tried to reproduct it but I'm afraid I couldn't.

Josh Davidson さんが12年以上前に更新

Haru Iida は書きました:

I've tried to reproduct it but I'm afraid I couldn't.

Is there any form of debugging I can enable to get output when creating a new code review that can be used to track down why the relation isn't getting added correctly? Perhaps even adding log messages directly to the plugin's code. I don't know ruby, so would need a bit of help if we went that direction.

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