Feature #893
openGit-style tagging approach
First let me thank you for your very nice pluggin.
I would like to suggest a great improvement that could be added to WE in order to manage the tracebility.
Developpers shall be able to answer to that simple question : witch documention set applies for that software release ?
Redmine already manages a kind of traceability for wikis,but only at the page scope, not at the wiki scope.
One simple solution would be to add a git-style tag feature, in order to "take a snapshot" of the full project at software delivery time.
I'm currently thinking about adding tags with a simple mysql query inside the "comment" field of wiki pages.
That way it will be easy to have a full traceability of the doc set, just looking at the history of the wiki page.
Next step would be to be able to roll back and forward into wikis snapshots, as easy as switching between branches with GIT, but maybe it's an other story...
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