


Hudson En » 履歴 » リビジョン 11

リビジョン 10 (Toshiyuki Ando, 2009/10/04 13:59) → リビジョン 11/31 (Toshiyuki Ando, 2009/11/08 12:14)

h1. Hudson Plugin 


 h2. How to get 

 Latest version is 1.0.1 1.0.0 

 * "repository":http://r-labs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/redmine_hudson/ 
 * "download":http://r-labs.googlecode.com/files/redmine_hudson-1.0.1.zip "download":http://r-labs.googlecode.com/files/redmine_hudson-1.0.0.zip 

 h2. What's hudson? 

 Huson is application for Continuous Integration. 
 Easy install configuration, and good ui. 

 More detail "Meet Hudson":http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Meet+Hudson 

 h2. Features 

 h3. Show Job List 

 * Name, Description, Latest Build ( Build number, Result, Date ) and health report. 
 * You can find jobs built today. 
 * You can change description visibility dynamically. 
 * Provide a link to Hudson, if plugin found keyword in Health Report. 
 * Bulid number linked to build result page. 
 * Click clock-icon, request hudson to build. 
 * Mr. hudson appears. ( sorry, not emotional ) 

 !redmine_hudson_index_1_0_1_en_small.png! !redmine_hudson_index_0_1_6_en_small.png! 

 h3. Show Build History 

 click note icon, show build history 

 * build number, result, date. 
 * Bulid number linked to build result page. 
 * Console icon linked to console page. 

 h3. Show build history on activity. 

 * jobname, build number, test-result(only number of items) and changesets. 


 h3. Show build result on issue. 

 * job-name, build-number, result and built date and time. when Hudson builds revisions associated issues. 


 h3. rake task 'redmine_hudson:fetch' 

 You can get build results using rake task 'redmine_hudson:fetch'. 
 If you use rake task, please uncheck 'AutoFetch' setting. 
 You can change 'AutoFetch' setting on settings/plugin/redmine_hudson. 

 h3. Settings for each projects 

 * Hudson url (can use https) 
 * auth user, password ( 0.1.1 higher ) 
 * can stop plugin getting test results and changesets. (Getting test results and changesets needs a good amount of time.) 
 * choose job 
 * compact mode ( show only job name and latest build) 
 * keyword and url for health report 


 h3. Settings for plugins (all projects) 

 Go    Administration -> Plugins -> 'Redmine Hudson Plugin' Configure. 

 * You can choose format to write job description. HTML or Textile. 
 * AutoFetch Mode. Plugin fetches information from Hudson during action 'index'. 


 h3. Support Language 

 * Japanese 
 * English 
 * Deutsch 
 Thanks! "Jens Goldhammer":http://www.redmine.org/account/show/4080 , "Florian Bartels":http://www.redmine.org/account/show/6169  
 * Magyar 
 Thanks! "Péter Major":http://www.redmine.org/account/show/6179 
 * Spanish 
 Thanks! juancayetano.delgado 

 h2. Install Instructions 

 h3. Install plugin 

 # Copy the plugin into the vendor/plugins directory 
 # Migrate plugin: rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production 
 # Start Redmine 

 h3. Enable plugin on project 

 # Move to Project settings 
 # Click 'Modules' 
 # Check the box 'Hudson', and save. 

 h3. Edit Hudson settings 

 # Click 'Hudson' tab on the menu 
 # Click 'Settings' in sidebar 
 # Edit settings ( url, job... ) 

 h3. View jobs 

 # Click 'Hudson' tab on the menu (In first time, it takes long time) 

 h2. Important reminder  

 h3. Hudson 

 Recommend Hudson 1.313 
 If you use old version of Hudson, plugin may not get test results and changesets. 
 Plugin store build information, if plugin can't get test results or changesets. 
 But, If plugin fail, never get test results, changesets again. 

 h3. Using IE8 

 Please use Compatibility View in IE8. 

 h3. Exclusive Control 

 Plugin has no exclusive control, so plugin doesn't work when redmine works on multi-process. 
 Hopefully i fix it. 

 h3. Something is wrong with plugin 

 you should try to delete data from database. 
 Use 'delete history' button in setting page.