


Hudson En » 履歴 » リビジョン 6

リビジョン 5 (Toshiyuki Ando, 2009/06/11 15:15) → リビジョン 6/31 (Toshiyuki Ando, 2009/06/30 14:16)

h1. Hudson Plugin 

 h2. How to get 

 Latest version is 0.1.4 0.1.3 

 * "repository":http://r-labs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/redmine_hudson/ 
 * "download":http://r-labs.googlecode.com/files/redmine_hudson-0.1.4.lzh "download":http://r-labs.googlecode.com/files/redmine_hudson-0.1.3.lzh 

 h2. What's hudson? 

 Huson is application for Continuous Integration. 
 Easy install configuration, and good ui. 

 More detail "Meet Hudson":http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Meet+Hudson 

 h2. Features 

 h3. Show Job List 

 * show name, description, latest build ( build number, result, date ) and health report 
 ** bulid number linked to build result page 
 * click [Build Now] request hudson to build 
 * Mr. hudson appears ( sorry, not emotional ) 


 h3. Show Build History 

 click note icon, show build history 

 * show build number, result, date 
 ** bulid number linked to build result page 
 ** console icon linked to console page 

 h3. Show build history on activity. 

 * show jobname, build number, test-result(only number of items) and changesets 


 h3. Settings 

 * hudson url 
 ** can use https maybe.. ( 0.1.2 higher ) 
 * auth user, password ( 0.1.1 higher ) 
 * can stop plugin getting test results and changesets 
 Getting test results and changesets needs a good amount of time. 
 * choose job 
 * compact mode 
 ** show only job name and latest build 


 h3. Support Language 

 * Japanese 
 * English 
 * Deutsch 
 Thanks! "Jens Goldhammer":http://www.redmine.org/account/show/4080 , "Florian Bartels":http://www.redmine.org/account/show/6169  
 * Magyar 
 Thanks! "Péter Major":http://www.redmine.org/account/show/6179 

 h3. Important reminder  

 Recommend Hudson 1.313 
 If you use old version of Hudson, plugin may not get test results and changesets. 
 Plugin store build information, if plugin can't get test results or changesets. 
 But, If plugin fail, never get test results, changesets again. 

 Plugin get build information when you access plugin (Hudson tab). 
 Plugin has no exclusive control, so plugin doesn't work when redmine works on multi-process. 
 I'll try next version. 

 Plugin can get recent build infomation, more than a dozen. 
 If Hudson has many build infomations, Plugin can't get all. sorry. 

 Something is wrong with plugin, you should try to delete data from database.  
 ( use 'delete history' button in setting page )