


Wiki Lists en » 履歴 » リビジョン 3

リビジョン 2 (Tomohisa Kusukawa, 2013/05/19 22:26) → リビジョン 3/16 (Tomohisa Kusukawa, 2013/06/22 21:18)

h1. Redmine Plugin: Wiki Lists  


 日本語は [[Wiki Lists|こちら]]. 

 This plugin adds wiki macros : ref_issues, etc. 

 h2. Downloads 


 h2. Installation 

 # Copy the plugin into the vendor/plugins directory 

 h2. "Changesets":/projects/wiki_lists/roadmap?completed=1 

 h1. Usage 

 h2. List issues 


 ref_issues macro displays list of issues. 
 You can use custom query or keyword for selecting issues. 

 h3. Syntax 

 {{@ref_issues([options]..., [column]...)@}} 


 * -i=[CustomQuery ID]: ID of custom query. 
 * -q=[CustomQuery name]: Name of custom query. 
 * -s=[WORDs] : select issues that contain WORDs in subject.  
 * -d=[WORDs] : select issues that contain WORDs in description.  
 * -w=[WORDs] : select issues that contain WORDs in subject or description. 
 * -p[=identifire] : Only the issues in the project is displayed.  

 You can specify two or more select option, it affect AND condition. 
 WORDs is one or more search words divided by '|', and multiple words affect OR condition. 
 If you specify no select condition, page name of wiki or number of issue is used for search word. 

 You can choose columns that you want to display. 
 If you do not specify the columns, same columns with customquery are displayed. 

 * project 
 * tracker 
 * parent 
 * status 
 * priority 
 * subject 
 * author 
 * assigned_to 
 * updated_on 
 * category 
 * fixed_version 
 * start_date 
 * due_date 
 * estimated_hours 
 * done_ratio 
 * created 

 h3. example 


 {{@ref_issues(-p=wikiext,-w=emoticons|jenkins)@}} {{@ref_issues(-p=wikiext,-w=wiki extension|jenkins)@}} 
 {{ref_issues(-p=wikiext,-w=emoticons|jenkins)}} {{ref_issues(-p=wikiext,-w=wiki extension|jenkins)}}