# 0.3.1 2010/06/23 * Defect #308: Korean translation does not work on Redmine 0.9.3 * Defect #320: ActionView::TemplateError occurs when diff view was displayed. * Feature #346: Auto assignment. * Defect #349: updated_by of code_review_project_settings is always nil * Defect #354: Project settings needs exclusive access control. * Defect #355: Sometimes auto assign does not work. * Feature #358: Filter for auto assignment. * Feature #359: Subject for auto assignment should be configurable. * Feature #384: リポジトリブラウザからレビュー書き込み時にカテゴリを指定したい。 * Defect #392: Error if no trackers selected on a project. * Defect #397: Can't display review form twice with IE8. * Feature #428: 二重送信を防止する様にして欲しい。 * Defect #439: フィルタを有効にするチェックが消えてしまう * Feature #442: Commiter should not be assigned to review. * Feature #443: Add cancel button to filter form * Defect #455: Duplicate assignment.