# 0.4.0 2011/02/22 * Feature #484: Polish translation * Support #501: Addition of test code * Feature #504: Swedish translation. * Defect #536: 2 pencil icons appear in a same line with Google Chrome. * Defect #538: Illegal link appears * Defect #540: 500 error displaying empty git repositories * Defect #541: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `changes' for nil:NilClass) when viewing file * Proposal #611: Refactoring * Defect #642: Wrong line selection: +29 line after real line. * Defect #643: ampersand in '&' pathnames fails for redmine code review * Defect #650: Error when review tracker was not configured. * Defect #673: code review をプロジェクトで有効にしていなくてもhookが読み込まれる。 * Proposal #684: 一覧にチケットのsubjectを表示する