


Feature #1000


Proposal #995: master data template: issue gets filled by database query result

Load templates from database query or web service

cforce cforce さんが12年以上前に追加. 3年以上前に更新.





It would be great if templates could be loaded by sql query from an db table.

Here another system can insert master data as which will be used as templates.
This way templates are not static text configured in redmine itself, but dynamic content coming from another system provided as db table or web service.
Selection of a template shall be possible by search to drill down the drop down to an acceptable size. Futrhermore mapping if imported fields to issue fileds must be confugured in plugins admin menu.


api-image.jpg (200 KB) api-image.jpg Akiko Takano, 2012/04/13 13:02

Akiko Takano さんが12年以上前に更新

I think this is related to #995 and its tracker is not the defect but feature. Is this right?

By the way, do you have already some other system or knowledge base system that you hope to apply these data as template?

Akiko Takano さんが12年以上前に更新

I think connecting database is pretty difficult and it's better to use api for data transfar.

Now I illustrated my ideas, 3 pattern, to input template data from other system into redmine's template table.

1. Issute template controller supports api to update or bulk insert template data from other system.
These data are posted via batch or on demand.
In this case, local copy is stored on redmine's schema.

2. Issue template controller or library have function to pull template data from other system, like Redmine itself pulls repository data and store local table as cached data.

3. Issue template controller acts as proxy to other system.
The request from user is passed to template controller, then template controller post these request to other system as proxy. Return values are delivered to user via template controller.
In this case, no need to store cached data or local copy.

I'm sorry I'm not so skilled and don't have any other nice idea...
But if your system has some apis, template data would be available like repository, or redmine_hudson plugin doing.

cforce cforce さんが12年以上前に更新

Akiko Takano は書きました:

I think this is related to #995 and its tracker is not the defect but feature. Is this right?

Yeah, thats right.
I think the differene is that a query to get templates from other system could have more than just one key attribute.

By the way, do you have already some other system or knowledge base system that you hope to apply these data as template?

No, at the moment the table is a csv list which is edited manually. There is no 2 tier application at the moment. But we plan to make crud app (maybe rails or adobe lifecycle) which will store that data in a database in near future. That we will at least be able to query a table on same server as redmine db we will create by extracting template master data from other system by sql query and cron job .

I read your blueprint and i think number 3 would be best. Thre must be some place where one can configure a 2 sql queries. First query shall return a list with template key entries, so that one is choosen in drop down the seond query will use that entry as search param to get fields which will be pushed into corresponding redmine issue fields as template. The desihn in best case make it possible to replace slq queries 1/2 with any http web service client to get template key entry list and a template fields later....

cforce cforce さんが12年以上前に更新

Akiko Takano は書きました:


First of all, i am very pleased for your invested work in your concepts. Would be glad to have someone in my developer team ;)

I think this is related to #995 and its tracker is not the defect but feature. Is this right?

Yeah, thats right.
I think the differene is that a query to get templates from other system could have more than just one key attribute.

By the way, do you have already some other system or knowledge base system that you hope to apply these data as template?

We have two deployments scenarios. First is opentrs which does have a soap web service to access ticket data. Yout find its soasp wsdl here: https://gitorious.org/otrs_cvs/otrs_cvs/blobs/d3d40956d413643d48d0dcbf8c4bdede60102408/development/webservices/GenericTicketConnector.wsdl

Second - no, at the moment the table is a csv list which is edited manually. There is no 2 tier application at the moment. But we plan to make crud app (maybe rails or adobe lifecycle) which will store that data in a database in near future. That we will at least be able to query a table on same server as redmine db we will create by extracting template master data from other system by sql query and cron job .

I like ur idea correspdondinng to your #995 drafts, that template key entry query not only return unique names also a description field which is shown on mouse over event.
At the moment our design is not as far to say if we really have the need of filtering the initial issue template selection list by another attribute than the key name itself.

I paralell to this templating feature we proof to have a custom field of type list which shall be populated also from others system data also via a sql (on local db extraction or table mirror) or life web service request. This approach does choose linking instead of "copying" data.

In any case if this lists have more than 30 entries (we expect this), scrolling search is not acceptable. Then at least a a combo box search by typing feature (substring match)is needed to filter the list of the fly (ajax needed)

Akiko Takano さんが12年以上前に更新

  • トラッカーDefect から Feature に変更
  • 親チケット#995 にセット

Akiko Takano さんが4年以上前に更新

  • ステータス新規(New) から 解決(Resolved) に変更

Not implement.

Akiko Takano さんが3年以上前に更新

  • ステータス解決(Resolved) から 終了(Closed) に変更

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