Thank you for your additional information.
I think you are using default (head) branch of this template.
And now I find a problem on trunk source code. Thansk again.
For quick workaround, please edit redmine_issue_templates/app/controllers/issue_templates_controller.rb as following:
templ = IssueTemplate.find(:all,
:conditions => ['project_id = ? AND tracker_id = ? AND enabled = ?',,, true],:order => 'position')
templ = IssueTemplate.find(:all,
:conditions => ['project_id = ? AND tracker_id = ?',,],:order => 'position')
You have to restart your redmine if redmine running production mode.
Sorry for your time.
giovanni d は書きました:
Actually, I cannot see the draft (not enabled) templates in the template list (index) page.
On my installation, the template list shows only the enabled templates.
I don't know why.
What should I check?