Defect #1249
closedProblem with issues assigned to groups, (not members)
If issue is assigned to group, not particular user, it (I think) should be automatically shown in daily report, just as it's automatically show if it is assigned to user.
But If I use groups, i see it only in day I created issue, and if it was added today. If I will change date on tomorrow, issue will disapeer.
Others members of grup do not see this issue in they daily reports.. only way to see it is to import this ticked.
Plugin is great, and work with user very good, but not with groups.
Updated by Serpro Serpro over 11 years ago
- File workitme.jpg workitme.jpg added
- File issues.jpg issues.jpg added
I too noticed this problem. Issues assigned to group should be automatically shown in daily report.
Please fix it when possible.
worktime is very good and useful plugin!
congratulations for the hardwork.
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa over 10 years ago
- Status changed from 新規(New) to 担当(Assigned)
- Assignee set to Tomohisa Kusukawa
- Target version set to 0.2.15
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa over 10 years ago
- Status changed from 担当(Assigned) to 解決(Resolved)
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
更新履歴 commit:7c842b5a7547 で適用されました。
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa over 10 years ago
- Status changed from 解決(Resolved) to 終了(Closed)
I released Ver.0.2.15.