Feature #1408
openDisplay Company's month
Start date:
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In my company, every month beginning 25 the previous month and ending on the 24th of this month.
How I can configure the plugin for that?
Thanks in advance.
PS: We love the plugin.
Updated by Anonymous almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from 新規(New) to 解決(Resolved)
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
更新履歴 commit:ad596b40d33b で適用されました。
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa almost 9 years ago
- Assignee set to Ezequiel Hernandez
- Target version set to 0.3.2
There were some same request.
I've added a function to set the company start day for each project.
But, It is still in beta.
Please be careful because there is a possibility that contains the bug.
It's a great help if you test this new feature.
You can download new plugin from
'Download repository' link.
Setting of company start day:
Project's [setting] tab -> [work time] tab
Updated by Ezequiel Hernandez over 8 years ago
Thank you very much.
The plugin is working very well. Well done!.