


Defect #912


support for redmine 1.3.x

Ionutz Borcoman さんがほぼ13年前に追加. 12年以上前に更新.






This plugin looks interesting.

Unfortunately, when I try it with redmine 1.3, I get this error:

ActionController::RoutingError in Welcome#index

Showing app/views/layouts/base.html.erb where line #35 raised:

No route matches {:controller=>"info", :action=>"show", :id=>:version}

Extracted source (around line #35):

32:            'div',
33:            "#{l(:label_logged_as)} #{link_to_user(User.current, :format => :username)}".html_safe,
34:            :id => 'loggedas') if User.current.logged? %>
35:     <%= render_menu :top_menu if User.current.logged? || !Setting.login_required? -%>
36: </div>
38: <div id="header">

Any plans to make it work with 1.3.x?




routes.rb (105 Bytes) routes.rb Haru Iida, 2012/01/17 01:29

関連するチケット 1 (0件未完了1件完了)

関連している Redmine Information - Defect #896: 500 Internal server error終了(Closed)Mitsuyoshi Yoshida2011/12/11


Mitsuyoshi Yoshida さんがほぼ13年前に更新

  • ステータス新規(New) から 担当(Assigned) に変更
  • 担当者Mitsuyoshi Yoshida にセット

Thanks for your reports. I think, this error is same as #896 .

This bug don't happened in my Redmine(1.3.0) environment.
I doesn't find why it occurs only in the specific environment.

I try to examine this case.

Ionutz Borcoman さんがほぼ13年前に更新

You are probably right. I am using the latest trunk, not the released 1.3.0. Any chance to make it work?

Haru Iida さんがほぼ13年前に更新

Put this routes.rb into vendor/plugins/redmine_information/config/ .
Then it will work.

Ionutz Borcoman さんがほぼ13年前に更新

That file fixed the routes problem. Now, as administrator, I can see a couple of new informations.

There is still the problem that a non-administrator user have the Information top menu, but it only displays Information on this category isn't made public. Is this expected? Is this another bug?

Mitsuyoshi Yoshida さんがほぼ13年前に更新

  • 対象バージョン0.2.5 にセット
  • 進捗率0 から 80 に変更

Thank you, Mr. Iida.
I am going to add the file from a next release.

The next question.
Even if it is making the category into non-public, The top menu item is always displayed to the user who logged in.

It is difficult for the information page to make it not display the page itself,
because the page is an entry page of this plug-in.
Instead, a contents(Redmine version) of the page is not displayed.

If all categories is made non-public, The top menu item is displayed too.
The first purpose of this plug-in is to show administration information for non-administrator users, safely.
So I did not assume that case.

Ionutz Borcoman さんがほぼ13年前に更新

From what I've seen, other plugins handle this via the Administration > Roles and permission > Permissions report.

You could the same:

  • add entries for Information for the roles defined in the system
  • when a user is logged, check all his/hers roles and if at least one allows to see the information, display the info
  • if none of roles of the user have permission to view the Information, hide the Information for that user

An administrator should always be able to view the Information.

Mitsuyoshi Yoshida さんがほぼ13年前に更新

This plugin settings is in following:
Administraion > Plugins > Configure of Redmine Information Plugin

This plugin show Redmine system information. So project and roll are unrelated.
Only logged in or not, and administrator or not.

User View
Anonymous (not logged in) Hide all
Normal User Selectable
Administrator Show all

Ionutz Borcoman さんがほぼ13年前に更新

You are right and now I finally understand how this works ;)

The problem, in my opinion, is that the plugin uses checkboxes for what is hidden, instead of using checkboxes for what is shown, and this is a bit confusing (very close to a double negation).

From my point of view, you can close this bug report when the routes.rb gets on the master branch.

Thank you for the fast solution.

Mitsuyoshi Yoshida さんがほぼ13年前に更新

> The problem, in my opinion, is that the plugin uses checkboxes for what is hidden, instead of using checkboxes for what is shown, and this is a bit confusing (very close to a double negation).

I think so, too.
But in such a case, there is another problem.

When first installed, default values specified in a plugin are used to configuration.
But if a plugin upgrade, default value isn't used to the value of added items,
and the values are false(check box) or blank(text).
I thought the case when categories are added, I selected "hide".

From my point of view, you can close this bug report when the routes.rb gets on the master branch.

It do like this.

Mitsuyoshi Yoshida さんが12年以上前に更新

  • ステータス担当(Assigned) から 終了(Closed) に変更
  • 進捗率80 から 100 に変更

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