



Support #986


redmine_issue_template can not support the redmine_ckeditor

Added by Steven Wong almost 13 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Target version:
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redmine_issue_template is nice plugin.
But unfortunately, it can not support the redmine_ckeditor, anyone can tell me how to fix it? Thanks.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Issue Template - Feature #1097: Banner and Issue Template cant normal work with CKeditor終了(Closed)Akiko Takano08/11/2012

Actions #1

Updated by Steven Wong almost 13 years ago

what I used ckeditor plugin url:

Actions #2

Updated by Akiko Takano almost 13 years ago

I have not use redmine_ckeditor but it would be nice for user who doesn't use to wiki formatting:)

Steven Wong は書きました:

what I used ckeditor plugin url:

Actions #3

Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from 新規(New) to 解決(Resolved)
  • % Done changed from 0 to 70

Please let me know your Redmine version.

I've added some workaround code for CKEditor.
In case you use Redmine 1.4.x, please try Redmine Issue Template support_0.0.2 branch.

  1. Go to
  2. Download zip from support_0.0.2 or clone and hg update to support_0.0.2.

In case you use Redmine2.x, please try default branch.

Actions #4

Updated by Steven Wong about 12 years ago

@Akiko Takano Takano

Thanks so much.

I will test it on my Environment later.

Actions #5

Updated by Steven Wong about 12 years ago

it seems not solve the problem absolutely.

Now I can use the plugin with redmine_ckeditor, but I found I can not create new issue template in projects. I'm not very sure why it happened.

my environment is as follows:

  Redmine version                          2.1.5.stable.11055
  Ruby version                             1.9.3 (i686-linux)
  Rails version                            3.2.8
  Environment                              production
  Database adapter                         Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
  no plugin installed
Actions #6

Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from 解決(Resolved) to フィードバック(Reopend)

Thank you for your trial and feedback.
I confirmed above defect, it seems CKEditor is disabled and not shown when creating new template, is that right?

This is because preview link is removed when CKEditor overwrites some elements.
Maybe this patch is effective and I'm going to apply this default branch and support_0.0.2 branch.

--- a/app/views/issue_templates/new.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/issue_templates/new.html.erb
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
      :class => nil, :multipart => false } do |f| %>

   <%= render :partial => 'form', :locals => { :f => f } %>
+  <div id="preview" class="wiki"></div>
+      <%= submit_tag l(:button_create) %>
+  <% end %>
   <%= preview_link url_for(:controller => 'issue_templates', :action => 'preview',
                            :id => @issue_template),
                    'issue_template_description', target='preview' %> |
   <%= link_to l(:button_cancel), {:action => 'index'}, :data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)} %>
-  <div id="preview" class="wiki"></div>
-      <%= submit_tag l(:button_create) %>
-  <% end %>
 <% end %>

Actions #7

Updated by Steven Wong about 12 years ago

@Akiko Takano Takano
Thanks for your reply.

I tried the plugin with redmine_ckeditor and found I can not create new issue template for the page without new issue template button? my operation steps as follows:
  1. install the redmine_issue_template and redmine_ckeditor
  2. start redmine
  3. config the plugin to use ckeditor and issue_template in the project;
  4. in the issue_template TAB, I can not find where can I add new issue template. in another way, I can not apply the issue template what I have saved.

I used redmine_issue_template, and in project, I can add new issue template, but with redmine_ckeditor, I can not found where can I add new issue_template. Could you give me some more information about the problem?

Thanks so much.

Actions #8

Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago

Steven Wong wrote:

I used redmine_issue_template, and in project, I can add new issue template, but with redmine_ckeditor, I can not found where can I add new issue_template. Could you give me some more information about the problem?

Ok, please wait for a while.
CKEditor is quite useful for redmine beginners, of cource for me, so I'm sure to support this editor:)

If works fine, create new template and template list link are shown at the right sidebar of "Issue" (Index Issue) page.

Let me confirm , not only "add template" but also template list link are not shown at your environment?

Actions #9

Updated by Steven Wong about 12 years ago

Akiko Takano は書きました:

Steven Wong wrote:

I used redmine_issue_template, and in project, I can add new issue template, but with redmine_ckeditor, I can not found where can I add new issue_template. Could you give me some more information about the problem?

Ok, please wait for a while.
CKEditor is quite useful for redmine beginners, of cource for me, so I'm sure to support this editor:)

If works fine, create new template and template list link are shown at the right sidebar of "Issue" (Index Issue) page.

Let me confirm , not only "add template" but also template list link are not shown at your environment?

@Akiko Takano Takano
yes, that's it.
I can not add new template. And I can not view the template list on the sidebar. Maybe I should create a new environment to test them.

Actions #10

Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago

How did your situation go?

Please note someone who use templates are required permissions.


And please let me know if you can directory access to list/show/create template page like this:

Steven Wong は書きました:

Akiko Takano は書きました:

Steven Wong wrote:

I used redmine_issue_template, and in project, I can add new issue template, but with redmine_ckeditor, I can not found where can I add new issue_template. Could you give me some more information about the problem?

Ok, please wait for a while.
CKEditor is quite useful for redmine beginners, of cource for me, so I'm sure to support this editor:)

If works fine, create new template and template list link are shown at the right sidebar of "Issue" (Index Issue) page.

Let me confirm , not only "add template" but also template list link are not shown at your environment?

@Akiko Takano Takano
yes, that's it.
I can not add new template. And I can not view the template list on the sidebar. Maybe I should create a new environment to test them.

Actions #11

Updated by Akiko Takano over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from フィードバック(Reopend) to 終了(Closed)

Please re-open if you still have problem.


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