Steven Wong
11:01 AM
Theme Changer
Revision 8794d63b: added Simplified Chinese translation file
Steven Wong
02:33 PM
Redmine Information
Defect #1471 (新規(New)): redmine 3.3.X is not compatable.
- some errorlogs
1. open workflows...
Steven Wong
09:28 PM
Code Review
Defect #1425: when I open the code review page in project ,it occured 500 error
- Great, it worked for me, too
hansugus Wong さんは書きました:
> Environment:
> Redmine version ...
Steven Wong
11:07 AM
Code Review
Defect #1425: when I open the code review page in project ,it occured 500 error
- Thanks, I will test it later on my environment.
by the way,
Could you please make a patch or pull request for it...
Steven Wong
03:31 PM
Wiki Lists
Support #1432: How can I use the plugin to sort the issues by some attribute?
- I see, for I always used the some customize search, and if use custom query, it would be so much.
Could you give ...
Steven Wong
09:19 PM
Wiki Lists
Support #1432 (新規(New)): How can I use the plugin to sort the issues by some attribute?
- How can I use the plugin to sort the issues by some attribute, for example, sort by issue_id desc.
Is there any p...
Steven Wong
09:17 PM
Wiki Lists
Support #1431: How can I use the plugin when I need to picked out the bug and new feature
- thanks, it worked well.
If you could update the wiki to explain how to use it, it would be much more nice.
Steven Wong
03:06 PM
Wiki Lists
Support #1431 (終了(Closed)): How can I use the plugin when I need to picked out the bug and new feature
- Hi, I need to use the macro to pick out the bug(tracker_id =1) and new feature(tracker_id=3)
I tried as ...
Steven Wong
11:59 AM
Work Time
Defect #1426: open redmine_work_time occured 500 error
- please check Defect #1425, thanks
Steven Wong
08:37 PM
Work Time
Defect #1426 (終了(Closed)): open redmine_work_time occured 500 error
- my environment ...
Steven Wong
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