

Steven Wong


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 10 11
Reported issues 8 19 27


Project Roles Registered on
Redmine Information 開発者 11/05/2011
Glossary 開発者 10/13/2011
Issue Template 開発者 04/04/2012



11:01 AM Theme Changer Revision 8794d63b: added Simplified Chinese translation file
Steven Wong


02:33 PM Redmine Information Defect #1471 (新規(New)): redmine 3.3.X is not compatable.
some errorlogs
1. open workflows...
Steven Wong


09:28 PM Code Review Defect #1425: when I open the code review page in project ,it occured 500 error
Great, it worked for me, too
hansugus Wong さんは書きました:
> Environment:
> Redmine version ...
Steven Wong
11:07 AM Code Review Defect #1425: when I open the code review page in project ,it occured 500 error
Thanks, I will test it later on my environment.
by the way,
Could you please make a patch or pull request for it...
Steven Wong


03:31 PM Wiki Lists Support #1432: How can I use the plugin to sort the issues by some attribute?
I see, for I always used the some customize search, and if use custom query, it would be so much.
Could you give ...
Steven Wong


09:19 PM Wiki Lists Support #1432 (新規(New)): How can I use the plugin to sort the issues by some attribute?
How can I use the plugin to sort the issues by some attribute, for example, sort by issue_id desc.
Is there any p...
Steven Wong
09:17 PM Wiki Lists Support #1431: How can I use the plugin when I need to picked out the bug and new feature
thanks, it worked well.
If you could update the wiki to explain how to use it, it would be much more nice.
Steven Wong


03:06 PM Wiki Lists Support #1431 (終了(Closed)): How can I use the plugin when I need to picked out the bug and new feature
Hi, I need to use the macro to pick out the bug(tracker_id =1) and new feature(tracker_id=3)
I tried as ...
Steven Wong


11:59 AM Work Time Defect #1426: open redmine_work_time occured 500 error
please check Defect #1425, thanks Steven Wong


08:37 PM Work Time Defect #1426 (終了(Closed)): open redmine_work_time occured 500 error
my environment ... Steven Wong

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