


Wiki Extensions en » History » Revision 15

Revision 14 (Haru Iida, 06/11/2009 04:00 PM) → Revision 15/55 (Haru Iida, 06/22/2009 03:58 PM)

h1. Redmine Wiki Extensions Plugin 


 This plugin adds usefull wiki macros into your Redmine. 

 h2. Downloads 

 h3. Releases 

 not yet. 

 h3. Development version 

 h2. Side bar 

 If you create the page named [[SideBar]], displaying it on a {{fn(side-bar, You can see it on tha right side of this page.)}} of the wiki. 

 h2. Footnote 

 This macro creates {{fn(footnotes, Notes of text placed at the bottom of a page.)}} in wiki pages. 

 h3. Syntacs 

 *@{{fn(word, description)}}@*:  


 This site is {{fn(Redmine, One of the best project management tool.)}} site. 

 "This site is {{fn(Redmine, One of the best project management tool.)}} site." 

 You can see footnotes on the bottom of this page. 

 h2. Adding Addin comment form 

 You can add a comment form in a page. 

 h3. Syntacs 

 *@{{comment_form}}@* displays the comment form in a page. And *@{{comments}}@* macro displays the list of comment. 


 h2. Link to the tha page of other projects. 


 You can create the link to the page of other projects. 

 h3. Syntacs 

 * @{{wiki(project_name, wiki_page)}}@ 
 * @{{wiki(project_name, wiki_page, alias)}}@ 
 * @{{wiki(project_identifier, wiki_page)}}@ 
 * @{{wiki(project_identifier, wiki_page, alias)}}@ 

 h2. Link to other projects 


 You can create the link to projects. 

 h3. Syntacs 

 * @{{project(project_name)}}@ 
 * @{{project(project_name, alias)}}@ 
 * @{{project(project_identifier)}}@ 
 * @{{project(project_identifier, alias)}}@ 

 The project of Wiki Extensions Plugin is {{project(Wiki Extensions, here)}}. 

 "The project of Wiki Extensions Plugin is {{project(Wiki Extensions, here)}}." 

 h2. New macro 


 h3. Syntacs 

 * @{{new(yyyy-mm-dd)}}@ 
 * @{{new(yyyy-mm-dd, expire)}}@ 

 Displays the string "new" if specific date does not expired. Default of expire is 5 days. 

 h2. Tags 

 You can see the tag input form at the bottom of the wiki editing page. You can add several tags to each wiki pages.  

 And @{{tagcloud}}@ macro displays the tag cloud. so you can write this macro into [[SideBar]] like this site. 5.