


Redmine Information Plugin » 履歴 » リビジョン 2

リビジョン 1 (Mitsuyoshi Yoshida, 2011/07/03 17:24) → リビジョン 2/17 (Mitsuyoshi Yoshida, 2011/07/03 17:25)

[[Redmine インフォメーション プラグイン|日本語]] 

 h1. Redmine information plugin 


 This plug-in is made to be able to attend information such as  
 the Permissions report and the workflow from the general user. 

 (This is renamed from _"Administration report plugin"_ ) 

 h2. Feauture 

 Information Contents 

 * Permissions report 
 * Workflow 
 * Keywords in commit messages for repository 
 * Installed plugins 
 * A List of wiki macros 
 * Rails information 
 * Current Redmine version 

 These information to display is selectable. 
 If a administor user, all information is shown and _"Adminestration menu"_ is also shown in a side bar. 

 h2. Download 


 h2. Install 

 1. Extends the dawnloaded package in vender/plugins directory. 
 2. Restart Redmine WEB server. 

 cf. http://www.redmine.org/wiki/1/Plugins 

 h2. Usage 

 View information form *Information* menu item in the top menu. 
