


PluginUsageEn » 履歴 » リビジョン 3

リビジョン 2 (Mitsuyoshi Yoshida, 2011/11/19 22:26) → リビジョン 3/5 (Mitsuyoshi Yoshida, 2011/11/20 11:09)


 h1. Plugin Usage 


 h2. testlink(testcase) testlink(testcase, testreport) Macro 

 Writes macro like this format:  

 <pre><code class="plain"> 
     {{testlink(KEY, ID)}} ID [, ...])}} 
     {{testreport(ID, PlanID [, output_item, ...])}} 

 In *KEY*, describes the key which specifies a an link target. 
 The *testcase* *testcase*, *testreport* macro is the one omitted *case* key. *case*, *report* key respectively. 

 Specifies an object And the arguments since then ID of a target by *ID*. 
 An object ID of test case is found out at once, but Others is not. 
 Finds it from page adress and so on. change with the specified key. (Almost key no argument) 

 The link target which can be used is following: the following. 

 |_. Key       |_. Link target        |_. Remarks | 
 | case        | Test case            | | 
 | suite       | Test suite           | | 
 | project     | Test project         | TestLink 1.8 or later | 
 | plan        | Test plan            | | 
 | milestone | Milestone 	          | | 
 | build       | Build target         | | 
 | cfield      | Custom field         | | 
 | keyword     | Keyword infomation | | 
 | user        | User infomation      | | 

 +Examples+: +Example+: 

 <pre><code class="plain"> 
   {{testlink(case, sample-1)}} 
   {{testlink(suite, 2)}} 
   {{testlink(project, 1)}} 
   {{testlink(plan, 5)}} 
   {{testlink(milestone, 1)}} 
   {{testlink(build, 1)}} 
   {{testlink(cfield, 1)}} 
   {{testlink(user, 1)}} 

 h2. Link to 

 For test results 

 If The version of TestLink is result (TestLink 1.8 or later, You can link to a test reslut. later). 

 <pre><code class="plain"> 
     {{testlink(KEY, ID [, ...])}} 
     {{testreport(ID, PLAN_ID [, OUTPUT_ITEM, ...])}} 

 The *testreport* macro is the one omitted *report* key respectively. 

 The arguments since then *ID* change with the specified key. 

 The link target for test results is following: 

 |_. KEY        |_. Link target          |_.    Remarks                         | 
 | report       | Test report            | ID need two. Enable output items | 
 | planreport | Test plan report       | ID need two. Enable output items | 
 | metrics      | Metrics                |                                    | 
 | result       | Test result            | Enable status                      | 
 | graph 	      | Graph of test result |                                    | 

 The required ID is changed by specifid key. 
 An ID of test case is found out at once, but Others is not. 
 Finds it from page adress and so on. 

 h3. Arguments of "report" and "planreport" 

 Keys of report and planreport need two ID (ID, PLAN_ID) PlanID) arguments. 
 And can be given output items after them. 

 |_. OUTPUT_ITEM Output Item |_. Description             |_. report |_. planreport | 
 | toc             | Table of Contents         |      ○      |        ○        | 
 | header          | Test Suite description    |      ○      |        ○        | 
 | summary         | Test Case Summary         |      ○      |        ○        | 
 | body            | Test Case Scenario        |      ○      |        ○        | 
 | author          | Test Case Author          |      ○      |        ○        | 
 | keyword         | Test Case keywords        |      ○      |        ○        | 
 | cfields         | Test Case Custom Fields |      ○      |        ○        | 
 | passfail        | Test results              |      ○      |                | 
 | metrics         | Metrics                   |      ○      |                | 
 | testplan        | Test Plan description     |            |        ○        | 

 If omit output items, set default items which set in this plugin setting page. 

 !setting_report_en.png!    !setting_planreport_en.png! 


 <pre><code class="plain"> 
   {{testlink(report, 2, 6)}} 
   {{testreport(2,6, header, summary, toc, body, cfields, author, keyword, passfail, metrics)}} 
   {{testlink(planreport, 2, 6)}}  
   {{testlink(planreport, 2, 6, header, summary, toc, body, cfields, author, keyword, testplan)}} 
   {{testlink(metrics, 6)}}  
   {{testlink(graph, 6)}} 

 h3. Argument of *result* 

 In Can give a target status in the *result* case, A status of test case is given after ID argument, and The output result is filtered. key. 
 If omits status, show test cases of all status. 

 <pre><code class="plain"> 
   {{testlink(result, ID, STATUS)}} 

 |_. STATUS Status |_. Description | 
 | f | Failed Test Cases    | 
 | b | Blocked Test Cases | 
 | n | Not run Test Cases | 

 +Examples+: +Example+: 

 <pre><code class="plain"> 
   {{testlink(result, 6)}} 
   {{testlink(result, 6, f)}} 

 h2. Macros(*testfile*) for file download *testfile* Macro 

 *testfile* macro Macro links to output file in MS Word form, MS Excell and so on. 
 (TestLink 1.8 or later) 

 Writes macro like this:  

 <pre><code class="plain"> 
     {{testfile(FORMAT_NAME, KEY, {{testfile(format_name, target, ID [, ...])}} 

 This macro is same as *testlink* except first argument(*FORMAT_NAME*) argument specified format type. name. 
 Enable *KEY* key are changed by a specified format name. 

 |_. Format            |_. FORMAT_NAME Format Name |_. Enable KEY Key         | 
 | OpenOffice Writer | odt             | report, planreport | 
 | OpenOffice Calc     | ods             | metrics, result      | 
 | MS Word             Excel            | doc xls             | report, planreport metrics, result      | 
 | MS Excel            Word             | xls doc             | metrics, result      report, planreport | 


 <pre><code class="plain"> 
   {{testfile(odt, report, 2,6)}} 
   {{testfile(odt, planreport, 2, 6, header, summary, toc, body)}}  
   {{testfile(ods, metrics, 6)}}  
   {{testfile(ods, result, 6)}} 
   {{testfile(ods, result, 6, n)}} 