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Tomohisa Kusukawa, 2011/08/28 16:59

Redmine Wiki Extensions Plugin

日本語は こちら.

This plugin adds usefull wiki macros into your Redmine.




  1. Copy the plugin into the vendor/plugins directory
  2. Migrate plugin: rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production
  3. Start Redmine
  4. Enable the module on the project setting page.


This macro creates footnotes*1 in wiki pages.


{{fn(word, description)}}:


This site is {{fn(Redmine, One of the best project management tool.)}} site.

"This site is Redmine*2 site."

You can see footnotes on the bottom of this page.

Adding comment form

You can add a comment form in a page.


{{comment_form}} displays the comment form in a page. And {{comments}} macro displays the list of comment.

  • Haru Iida さんが15年以上前に追加

    This is a sample of comment.

    • sundisb billaaa さんが11年以上前に追加

      [b][url=http://www.outletchanelshop.com/]chanel bags outlet online[/url][/b]
      [b][url=http://www.outletchanelshop.com/]chanel <strong><a href="http://www.outletchanelshop.com/&quot;&gt;chanel bags outlet online</a></strong>
      <strong><a href="http://www.outletchanelshop.com/&quot;&gt;chanel bags for sale</a></strong>
      <strong><a href="http://www.outletchanelshop.com/&quot;&gt;chanel handbags for sale</a></strong>
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      <strong><a href="http://www.outletchanelshop.com/&quot;&gt;chanel handbags 2012</a></strong>

  • Haru Iida さんが15年以上前に追加

    Of course you can use Wiki format

Link to the page of other projects.


You can create the link to the page of other projects.


  • {{wiki(project_name, wiki_page)}}
  • {{wiki(project_name, wiki_page, alias)}}
  • {{wiki(project_identifier, wiki_page)}}
  • {{wiki(project_identifier, wiki_page, alias)}}

Link to other projects


You can create the link to projects.


  • {{project(project_name)}}
  • {{project(project_name, alias)}}
  • {{project(project_identifier)}}
  • {{project(project_identifier, alias)}}


The project of Wiki Extensions Plugin is {{project(Wiki Extensions, here)}}.

"The project of Wiki Extensions Plugin is here."

New macro



  • {{new(yyyy-mm-dd)}}
  • {{new(yyyy-mm-dd, expire)}}

Displays the string "new" if specific date does not expired. Default of expire is 5 days.



You can see the tag input form at the bottom of the wiki editing page. You can add several tags to each wiki pages.

And {{tagcloud}} macro displays the tag cloud. so you can write this macro into SideBar like this site.

{{taggedpages(tagname)}} macro displays the list of pages which have specified tag.[2010/10/05]

{{taggedpages(tagname1[,tagname2..,tagnamen], project)}} macro displays the list of pages of project which have specified tags.[2010/12/06]

Editing Style Sheet


You can write CSS in the page named StyleSheet. This CSS is included in a HTML header of each page. Each page means every module of the project. not only wiki.
So. you can even create a project-specific theme.

And if you want to change a style of a part of the page, you can use following macros.

  • {{div_start_tag(id_name)}} is changed to、< div id="id_name">.
  • {{div_start_tag(id_name, class_name)}} is changed to< div id="id_name" class="class_name">.
  • {{div_end_tag}} is changed to < /div>.



Style of this line was changed.


Style of this line was changed.



If you create the page named "Footer", you can see it at the bottom of the every pages.

For example. If you want to add the comment form to every pages, you should write like below.



Recently added pages


{{recent}} macro displays the list of the pages that were changed within last 5 days. If you specify the argument like {{recent(10)}}, it displays the pages that were changed within 10 days.

Displays the person who updated the page.


{{lastupdated_by}} macro displays the name of user who updated the wiki page.

Displays the time when the page was updated.


{{lastupdated_at}} macrodisplays the timestamp when the wiki page was updated.

Add tabs to project menu.


You can add project menu tabs that links to wiki page.

Displays the page of other site.


iframe macro displays the page of other site into the wiki page.


{{iframe(url)}} {{iframe(url, width, height)}} or {{iframe(url, width, height, scrolling)}}

scrolling is a value of scrolling option of iframe.[yes, no, auto]


Displaying wikipedia.

{{iframe(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redmine, 700, 400)}}

Access counter


{{count}} macro counts acesses to the wiki pages. You can write this macro into the wiki page that you want to count accesses. If you want to count accesses to all of the pages, you can write {{count}} to the Footer page.

{{show_count}} macro displays the count of the page.

{{popularity}} macro displays the list of the access counts. If you specify the number in the argument, ex. {{popularity(10)}}, displays the top 10 access list.

Auto preview


If you enabled this function, preview of wiki, forum and issue is displayed automatically. You can enable it on project setting page.

Sortable table


You can sort table items by clicking header.


fruits color
Apple Red
Banana Yellow
Mellon Green

twitter macro


{{twitter(username)}} macro links to tiwtter page.

ex.) {{twitter(haru_iida)}} -> @haru_iida

vote macro


{{vote(key)}} macro displays a link for vote. You must specify a "key" which is unique in the page.

APPLE {{vote(apple)}}

LEMON {{vote(lemon)}}

BANANA {{vote(banana)}}


APPLE 投票 22

LEMON 投票 22

BANANA 投票 22

{{vote(key,label)}} displays label insteadof string "vote".


{{vote(apple2, I like apples.)}}

{{vote(lemon2, I like lemons.)}}

{{vote(banana2, I like bananas.)}}


I like apples. 22

I like lemons. 22

I like bananas. 22

List issues


ref_issues macro displays list of issues.
You can use custom query or keyword for selecting issues.


{{ref_issues([options]..., [column]...)}}


  • -i=[CustomQuery ID]: ID of custom query.
  • -q=[CustomQuery name]: Name of custom query.
  • -s=[WORDs] : select issues that contain WORDs in subject.
  • -d=[WORDs] : select issues that contain WORDs in description.
  • -w=[WORDs] : select issues that contain WORDs in subject or description.
  • -p : Only the issues in the same project is displayed.

You can specify two or more select option, it affect AND condition.
WORDs is one or more search words divided by '|', and multiple words affect OR condition.
If you specify no select condition, page name of wiki or number of issue is used for search word.

You can choose columns that you want to display.
If you do not specify the columns, same columns with customquery are displayed.

  • project
  • tracker
  • parent
  • status
  • priority
  • subject
  • author
  • assigned_to
  • updated_on
  • category
  • fixed_version
  • start_date
  • due_date
  • estimated_hours
  • done_ratio
  • created



{{ref_issues(-q=プロジェクト毎,-w=wiki extension|jenkins)}}

# トラッカー ステータス 優先度 題名 担当者 更新日 対象バージョン 進捗率
  Banner 1 折りたたみ/展開
937 Feature 新規(New) 通常(Normal) controller support with API Akiko Takano 2012/02/01 06:05 Banner - Backlogs

  Hudson 8 折りたたみ/展開
1341 Proposal 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Multiple jenkins servers in a project 2015/01/29 00:39

1214 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) failed to list build list 2013/03/23 21:57

1211 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Secured Jenkins results in 500 error. 2013/03/18 02:39

1203 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Jenkins build scrip has to be sent a POST not GET 2013/03/06 12:15

1187 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Redmine 2.2.2・redmine_hudson 2.1.1でパスワードが保存されない Toshiyuki Ando 2013/07/20 10:55

878 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Plugin cannot trigger a parameterized build 2013/09/14 00:49

788 Feature 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Support for Jenkins 2011/07/07 00:35

715 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Jenkins image does not appear. Toshiyuki Ando 2013/02/06 12:17

  r-labs 9 折りたたみ/展開
1519 Question 新規(New) 通常(Normal) wiki extentions の footer や sidebarをランキングや最近更新されたページからの除外について 2022/11/01 11:01

1397 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Error executing the taggedpages macro (undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass) 2015/12/24 02:17

1372 Defect 新規(New) 急いで(Urgent) undefined method `tag_disabled' 2015/06/04 19:27

1349 Support 新規(New) 通常(Normal) iframeがOpera, Safari以外使えなくなったようです 2014/09/25 20:07

1327 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Wiki Extensions Disables Toolbar Spacers 2014/05/29 00:56

1094 Question 新規(New) 高め(High) 0.5.0 Wiki extensions compatible with Redmine 2.0.3? 2012/08/06 22:37

984 Question 新規(New) 通常(Normal) How doesn sort column header disabled? 2013/11/08 00:55

796 Feature 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Support per user authentication 2011/08/09 07:29

1365 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Adding a Footer page inconsistenly affects Sidebar page 2015/01/28 09:07 Wiki Extensions - 0.6.5

  Wiki Extensions 13 折りたたみ/展開
1506 Defect 新規(New) 高め(High) wiki extension - {{lastupdated_at}} is not working on redmine_wiki_extensions version 0.8.2 Haru Iida 2020/03/11 13:14

1146 Defect 新規(New) 高め(High) Wiki Extension - ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `absolute_base_url' for Redmine::Utils:Module): Haru Iida 2012/12/15 21:45

1064 Support 担当(Assigned) 通常(Normal) Compatibility issue with Redmine plugin "Wiki extensions" Haru Iida 2012/06/28 06:52

810 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Wiki Extensions: Tab added by 'wiki extensions' is selected but not be highlighted Haru Iida 2011/08/16 23:33

694 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Redmine 1.1.2 changes wiki controller "index" api Haru Iida 2011/03/18 01:29

1316 Defect 担当(Assigned) 通常(Normal) Emoticons not accessible by default Haru Iida 2014/04/04 00:05 Wiki Extensions - 0.6.5

1307 Defect 担当(Assigned) 通常(Normal) Wiki Extensions: sortable tables won't work in issues Haru Iida 2015/03/09 20:26 Wiki Extensions - 0.6.5

1295 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Wiki Extensions vote macro problems Haru Iida 2014/10/21 16:11 Wiki Extensions - 0.6.5

1284 Defect 解決(Resolved) 通常(Normal) Problem due to interaction with Wiki Template plugin Haru Iida 2014/04/19 22:41 Wiki Extensions - 0.6.5

1473 Defect 解決(Resolved) 通常(Normal) Redmine 3.4.0 does not start with wiki extensions. Haru Iida 2017/07/03 00:30 Wiki Extensions - 0.8.0

834 Proposal 新規(New) 通常(Normal) IE8でセキュリティレベル混在の警告が表示される Haru Iida 2012/02/02 23:18 Wiki Extensions - いつかやる(Unplanned)

721 Feature 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Including wiki file from repository. Haru Iida 2011/04/27 12:49 Wiki Extensions - いつかやる(Unplanned)

677 Defect 新規(New) 通常(Normal) Emoticons should not enabled if module is not enabled. Haru Iida 2011/05/24 00:04 Wiki Extensions - いつかやる(Unplanned)




You can add emoticons to wiki page.:)

You can also use your original emoticons.

  1. Edit redmine_wiki_extensions/config/emocitons.yml
  2. Put your emoticon image into redmine_wiki_extensions/assets/images.
  3. Restart redmine.

  • *1 footnotes:Notes of text placed at the bottom of a page.
  • *2 Redmine:One of the best project management tool.

Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa , 約13年前に更新
Access count: 951340 :since 2009-10-30

Tomohisa Kusukawa さんが約13年前に更新 · 50件の履歴