Feature #1097
closedBanner and Issue Template cant normal work with CKeditor
Redmine 1.4.4. and use normal ror config
installed a text editor ,the name is CKeditor ,the web site is
https://github.com/a-ono/redmine_ckeditor owner maybe is a japanese name Akihiro Ono
in ckeditor mode, banner cant config project banner ,cant save banner info,but redmine banner work is OK, go to admin account config use textile mode ,all ok
in ckeditor mode, cant use issus template, first i crate a name is AAA template is OK,but i new create a issue and use AAA template ,no show the template, go to admin account config use textile mode ,all ok
Plaese check the
Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago
- Tracker changed from Defect to Feature
- Assignee set to Akiko Takano
- Target version set to Future Release
Sorry my reply so late...
And thank you so much your information about CKEditor and author.
So I've received the same request, such as #986, that I'm going to try to support CKEditor.
Please wait for a while
Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago
- Target version changed from Future Release to Unplanned
Updated by ZuoFeng Zhang about 12 years ago
i guess maybe js function bug
Event.observe('issue_template', 'change', function(e){ load_template(e, load_url, token); },false);
$('issue_description').value = template.description
the value cant push to issue_description
Updated by ZuoFeng Zhang about 12 years ago
try this:
replace the next line
$('issue_description').value = template.description
now the bug is over , all is ok!
Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago
- Status changed from 新規(New) to 担当(Assigned)
Thank you so much for your feedback and workaround
I'm sorry that I've not installed and reviewed CKEditor plugin yet.
It seems in case using CKEditor Redmine admin have to modify Javascript.
Do you hope this plugin works without any workaround code!!?
Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago
Related issue:
Updated by Akiko Takano about 12 years ago
- Status changed from 担当(Assigned) to 解決(Resolved)
- % Done changed from 0 to 60
Hello, ZuoFeng Zhang.
Thank you for your information, it's quite helpful for me
As I wrote on #986, please try and give some feedback.
It seems you use Redmine1.4, so please try support_0.0.2 branch.
Here is my workaround.
$('issue_description').value = template.description; $('issue_subject').value = template.issue_title; // Add try-catch for CKEDitor. try { if (CKEDITOR.instances.issue_description) CKEDITOR.instances.issue_description.setData(template.description); } catch(e) { // do nothing. }
Updated by Akiko Takano almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from 解決(Resolved) to 終了(Closed)
- % Done changed from 60 to 100
Please re-open if you still have any troubles.
Updated by Akiko Takano almost 11 years ago
- Target version changed from Unplanned to ver0.0.7