Support #1432
openHow can I use the plugin to sort the issues by some attribute?
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How can I use the plugin to sort the issues by some attribute, for example, sort by issue_id desc.
Is there any parameter or operator to be used in the macro? Thanks.
Updated by Tomohisa Kusukawa over 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Tomohisa Kusukawa to Steven Wong
There are no parameters of the sort function.
How about that use the custom query.
Updated by Steven Wong over 8 years ago
I see, for I always used the some customize search, and if use custom query, it would be so much.
Could you give an some extension about the feature in the macro. Thanks.
Tomohisa Kusukawa さんは書きました:
There are no parameters of the sort function.
How about that use the custom query.